At Patti Boeck Photography you will DEFINITELY feel like your getting the royal treatment. Patti shoots her session in a very laid back atmosphere, making you feel at ease. Her clients really appreciate that she treats them as she would like to be treated. Expect the unexpected, Patti's style is very detail oriented and fun! If she sees something that she feels would look great, then she's not afraid to ask. Her clients appreciate her creative eye for style.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is this Seattle.... or Chicago?...... Somebody hit the heat! (Chris & Jeannie's engagement shoot)

What a perfect day to make some pictures. When you get clear skies and sunshine in December, in Seattle, you leap at the chance to get outside and start snapping away. Oh yeah…. Did I mention it was about 19 degrees with a soft breeze off the water? Wowzers! The upside is chattering teeth look like smiles on film.

Chris & Jeanie were great sports and their playful nature came out regardless of the temperature!

The big day is only a few days off but thankfully they are going with an INDOOR ceremony! Another point about shooting in brisk temps – short session! Don't get me wrong. I love to photograph, and will go all day if possible. But on this particular day, it did not take long before I couldn't feel my fingers or toes. It really is amazing what 19 degrees and a little wind will do to motivate a photo shoot to a speedy conclusion. This was the briefest and efficient shoot I have ever been a part of. Things moved fast and small talk was kept to a minimum. My flash had fresh juice but the cold sucked the power and left it recycling like I had been clicking off pics for hours.

There was a moment just before we called it a day that I noticed a little tear welling up in the corner of Jeannie’s eye, and I thought - How sweet, she is really feeling the emotion of the moment….then I realized it was because she was so cold she could hardly blink. The poor girl was just this side of cold blindness. Sorry Jeannie for not stopping sooner, you & Chris are just too much fun to photograph! See you on Sunday….. INSIDE!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monica's Senior fashion Shoot!!

I was totally impressed by this girl! What a gem! We had so much fun shooting Monica's senior fashion shoot. She knew exactly what she wanted for her senior pictures. She brought magazine pictures, and really put some thought into her outfits to fit the poses that she envisioned for her shoot.
Monica really has her head on her shoulders. She is a girl who will go far in life. She is the whole package, brains, looks and sincerity...(she didn't pay me to say that) She just really is such a doll.