At Patti Boeck Photography you will DEFINITELY feel like your getting the royal treatment. Patti shoots her session in a very laid back atmosphere, making you feel at ease. Her clients really appreciate that she treats them as she would like to be treated. Expect the unexpected, Patti's style is very detail oriented and fun! If she sees something that she feels would look great, then she's not afraid to ask. Her clients appreciate her creative eye for style.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is this Seattle.... or Chicago?...... Somebody hit the heat! (Chris & Jeannie's engagement shoot)

What a perfect day to make some pictures. When you get clear skies and sunshine in December, in Seattle, you leap at the chance to get outside and start snapping away. Oh yeah…. Did I mention it was about 19 degrees with a soft breeze off the water? Wowzers! The upside is chattering teeth look like smiles on film.

Chris & Jeanie were great sports and their playful nature came out regardless of the temperature!

The big day is only a few days off but thankfully they are going with an INDOOR ceremony! Another point about shooting in brisk temps – short session! Don't get me wrong. I love to photograph, and will go all day if possible. But on this particular day, it did not take long before I couldn't feel my fingers or toes. It really is amazing what 19 degrees and a little wind will do to motivate a photo shoot to a speedy conclusion. This was the briefest and efficient shoot I have ever been a part of. Things moved fast and small talk was kept to a minimum. My flash had fresh juice but the cold sucked the power and left it recycling like I had been clicking off pics for hours.

There was a moment just before we called it a day that I noticed a little tear welling up in the corner of Jeannie’s eye, and I thought - How sweet, she is really feeling the emotion of the moment….then I realized it was because she was so cold she could hardly blink. The poor girl was just this side of cold blindness. Sorry Jeannie for not stopping sooner, you & Chris are just too much fun to photograph! See you on Sunday….. INSIDE!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monica's Senior fashion Shoot!!

I was totally impressed by this girl! What a gem! We had so much fun shooting Monica's senior fashion shoot. She knew exactly what she wanted for her senior pictures. She brought magazine pictures, and really put some thought into her outfits to fit the poses that she envisioned for her shoot.
Monica really has her head on her shoulders. She is a girl who will go far in life. She is the whole package, brains, looks and sincerity...(she didn't pay me to say that) She just really is such a doll.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Damaris Senior Fashion Shoot

Back to the Pearl! Damaris was another senior that I got to photograph thanks to my super duper great senior representative Reggi. Reggi actually came along for the shoot. We all had fun that day. The weather cooperated and as you can see Damaris had a good time playing her guitar. I am so glad that she brought it! it definitely is a big part of her life. She plays it in her worship group at her church. Thanks Damaris for a fun shoot!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monica's Senior fashion Shoot!!

I say this all the time,... but.... I love my job!! Monica was so much fun to Hang out and
PHOTOGRAPH. She was so natural. We got those fun shots. Those beautiful shots! Those glamorous shots, Those too cute shots.

Monica is so sweet. When we were in the grassy meadow, we all heard a sound. My husband (Chris) said that it was probably just a little
varmint. Well to say the least I was freaking out, And sweet Monica was the one who was sitting on the grass, so calm and collective, saying that everything was fine, just keep shooting. I have to laugh now, but luckily that "little varmint" never showed his face to us, we were just fine. But my hat goes off to Monica for being so easy going about that. Thanks Monica for a fun day. Hope you like your sneak peak of your senior fashion pics!!... Patti

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tyler's Senior fashion Shoot!!

I was really looking forward to TYLER'S Senior Fashion Shoot. I had never been to this location before. It was beautiful. Tyler is beautiful... to say the least!!

Tyler's mom Sherry, came along and it was so sweet to see her smiling at her daughter and you could just sense the pride she had in her little girl. I was waiting for tears to come from mom, I never saw any but I'm sure their were some there, maybe just wiped away too quick for me to see. It is not uncommon for Parent's (especially mom's to have a few tears in their eyes, as it is hard for them too see their baby growing up).. I feel so honored to be a part of this very special day. : )

As the day progressed we were getting some really awesome shots. Tabitha, Tyler's best friend came along and was a great help for me, holding my reflector...thanks Tabitha! These two girls were starving when we got finished and all they could talk about was going to Mcky D's and get a BIG MAC! Thanks Tyler for an awesome day!!

Tabitha's Senior Fashion Shoot!

Oh my Goodness!! This girl is so much fun!

When Tabitha came to my studio for the first time, she looked so familiar. I had never met her before, so I thought. Turns out she was a camper at a christian girls camp several years ago where I was a Camp Counselor. I think she was going into the 10th grade then. She was adorable then and she's just as adorable now!!!!

Originally Tabitha and Tyler (who are best buds) wanted to get their pics taken together and also separately! I was so excited to do some really fun shots. Tabitha's mom told me that these two girls are crazy when they are together.....unfortunately Tyler had a volleyball tournament on the day they were suppose to have their shoot so we had to shoot them on separate days. but we are still going to do a shoot for these two on another day.
Tabitha's mom Jennifer came along to her shoot. It was really cold on the day we shot Tabitha's senior fashion shoot. Jennifer was such a trooper though. She was so patient and jumped right in when ever I needed any help. I just loved the relationship that this mother daughter team had. You could just sense the respect and love between the two. Thanks for letting me be a part of this very special day Tabitha and Jennifer.

Tabitha chose to have her Senior fashion Shoot at the river. We really got some beautiful pics of her! I just love her attitude! Just about after every picture I took of Tabitha I would show her the image in my view finder and her comment would be "That's my favorite!" then I would show her the next one and her comment would be, " That's my favorite!" Oh I just love this girl!! Enjoy looking at these pics of Tabitha!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Maddy's Senior fashion Shoot!!!!

Wow! I want to drive Maddy's Land Rover!! Right? I think that is what every kid must be saying at her H.S.! Maddy was so sweet to photograph. I loved her genuine smile and attitude. She was.... innocent. I just loved her way of just going with the flow. She didn't have that stuffy attitude that you would expect with a girl who drives a Land Rover. But..... we had to make sure to get some pics of her with her LR. We really did get some beautiful shots of her!

After spending just a couple of minutes of Maddy with her LR, it was off to get some shots of her
in the beautiful park down the street. Wow what a little cutie!! I just love these pics of her. Isn't she just adorable!!