It seemed like a good idea. We wanted to recon locations for photo shoots and the kids wanted out of the house. "lets take a walk folks". Grabbed the kit, checked Lances water bowl (it was topped off, he would be fine until we returned) and the 10 minute "get in the car-I got shotgun-I have to go to the bathroom-hey get off me i am sitting here" joy of family trips begins.
The kids had no idea where we were going so being the inquisitive types the questions kept coming. "Where are we going?" "Is it far" "Have we been there before" "I'm hungry".
I could never be a spy, I break like balsa wood. Surprise is over as I shout "We are going to the Pearl District!" And this was before we even made it to the first stop light. My youngest asked "do they sell pearls there?" "No, just condos ." I said, then ignored her followup questions.
Now this was my kinda day to walk. About 73 degrees, overcast, light breeze. Perfection. Found a parking space first try, which means I am happy for the rest of the day. Everyone disembarks from the car. Patti has already taken a 360 look and has tucked away about 15 different ideas for photo locations. I have almost been struck by two cars, but one was a Prius so that doesn't really count. The kids are beginning to realize this a different kind of pace then back in the 'hood.
The streets in the Pearl are really only two lane roads originally constructed over 100 years ago. The cobble stones are still in use in most of the side roadways. Being of the older design, the width is in the area of 30 feet and no sidewalk. Cars, pedestrians, bikes (of course), and even skateboards all share the same space. And once you adjust, it seems to work just fine.
This district has a unique vibe all its own when you take a moment to soak it in. The history of the place is all around but within that historical context is fashionable clothes boutiques, urban chic "green" condos, restaurant choices of all tastes, and abstract art gallery's. It makes for a interesting juxtaposition. And it's just really cool too. My oldest son discovered that he has a pension for upper end grunge clothing and will need a 6 figure income if he wishes to indulge that preference, so if anything, this trip helped reinforce the "go to college" talk.
Patti & I went with the original intent to scope out some locations for urban photo shoots. We did find some great areas and light in the Pearl District. We could easily spend an entire day shooting in that area and still have some creativity in the tank, but it turns out we had a great time just hanging out with our family and discovering a new place to explore on a lazy afternoon. I recommend a trip out to this area when you have a few hours to spare. But leave the credit card at home or you may end up the proud owner of a riverfront condo, a very expensive watercolored napkin under glass and a 60$ t-shirt. Just FYI!